"Empowering future generations to succeed in a diverse and changing world."
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federally and state funded employment program within the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA). The program is dedicated to assisting people with disabilities to become fully productive members of society by achieving independence and meaningful employment. VR helps students with disabilities successfully transition from school to work. VR professionals work together to develop activities and experiences designed to support students in realizing the necessary experiences, skills and knowledge to reach their post-secondary goals.
Services Offered
Job Readiness Training
Job Readiness Training (aka Work Readiness Training) prepares an individual for seeking and maintaining employment through the use of instructional activities. The purpose is for the client to learn lifelong skills in the areas of accessing labor market information, identifying job openings, understanding the application and interview process, worker rights and responsibilities, problem solving, motivation and on-the-job behavior. Clients may also receive assistance in choosing a vocation or job consistent with their aptitudes and interest.
Community Work Adjustment Training (CWAT)
Work Adjustment Training (WAT) is a comprehensive, time-limited, individualized process that assists clients seeking employment to develop or reestablish job readiness skills, work habits and behaviors, quality and quantity of work, personal and social skills, functional capacities, and attitudes appropriate to employment. These services utilize realistic work tasks to develop on-the-job behavior skills, proper work habits skills, interpersonal skills, work-related communication skills and to increase stamina.
More Services Coming Soon!!!
Description Coming Soon!
GVRA Files
Application for Services (Coming Soon!!!)
Please fill out and email to Tyia Tompkins at ttompkins@caremorecounselingcenterllc.com. You may also drop it by our office.